All fields marked with an * are required
Address & Eircode/Postcode *
Term Address and Postcode
This section is only required if you hold a Valid Medical Card
Medical Card Number
[Parent/Guardian Contact Details]
Email Address
Please tick if you consent to your details being held securely on our computer system and that by applying for and/or attending our Further Education and Training programme (FET), you acknowledge that we may process your personal data (e.g. name, address, contact details,) including sensitive personal data (where you opt to provide this information e.g. racial or ethnic origin) that we collect about you in connection with your application for and/or attendance on a FET programme and for purposes associated with coordinating, evaluating, funding and organising FET programmes and complying with European Union requirements for monitoring and reporting on its funding operations. I acknowledge that you may share my personal data (including my sensitive personal data where I opt to provide it) within your organisation and also with third parties in the FET sector as well as third parties monitoring and reporting on European Union co-funded operations. I acknowledge that I have reviewed the PLSS Data Protection Statement attached to this application form which sets out the full details regarding the processing of my personal data. I understand that I may also address any questions, comments and requests regarding your data processing practices at Ballyhaunis Community School to
[anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]