The BCS Amber Flag Committee recently organised a poster competition to develop a Positive Motif for mental health awareness in the school. There was a huge response from students from all years, and a sub-committee of the Amber Flag group selected a shortlist of 20 posters. Those 20 finalists are seen in these pictures with their posters.
All students of the school viewed the final 20 posters, and each student voted for his/her favourite poster. Following the counting of all votes, the overall winner was Colleen Manning. Well done to Colleen and all who participated in the competition. A big thanks to the students of the Amber Flag committee who came up with the idea and supported the competition. A particular word of thanks to the sub-committee members Jade Cunnane, Nathan Coll, Kieran O’Gara and Raif Costello who worked so hard and without whom the competition would not have been such a success.