Rainbows – Bereavement Support Group
Spectrum offers peer support for adolescents experiencing grief and loss
What Spectrum offers
• A 9 week structured programme (not counselling or
• Peer support…. a shared experience that reduces the
feeling of isolation, realising you are not the only one or
not the only family….
• Adolescents of similar age and loss meeting in groups.
• It is a free support service advertised and offered to
communities or second level schools.
• Peer support groups offers a safe confidential
environment for sharing feelings (not counselling or
• Spectrum is part of the Rainbows programme aimed at
What Spectrum peer support groups can offer
• Support to reduce feelings of stigmatisation and
embarrassment – of feeling the odd one out.
• A reduction in isolation and a normalising of strong
emotions as adolescents identify and find reassurance
with others in similar situations.
• A framework of emotional support at a time when lives
may be in turmoil. Adolescents often reject adults in their
lives at this time.
• A safe way for adolescents to express overwhelming
emotions in their own way and at their own pace.
• “Time out” where adolescents learn that they do not have
to protect other grieving family members.
• Support to restore and build self – esteem, confidence
and resilience.
• Can offer a model of good grief and a model of coping for
the future.